Most of the population of Ecuador lives in the valleys and highlands of the Andes, the backbone of the country topped by a number of active volcanoes, and in the coastal lowlands. The East of the country, partly covered by pristine Amazon rainforest, is almost void of people.

- Tena | Río Arajuno
- Tena | Río Arajuno
- Tena | Football
- Tena | Banana cultivation
- Tena | Cacao
- Tena | Cacao fruit
- Tena | Buttress
- Tena | Buttress
- Tena | Buttress
- Tena | Tropical rainforest
- Tropical soil profile
- Valle del Río Papallacta | Epiphytic bromeliad
- Valle del Río Papallacta | Remnant of cloud forest
- Valle del Río Papallacta | Cloud forest
- Paso de Papallacta | Polylepis
- Paso de Papallacta | Polylepis
- Paso de Papallacta | Forest patches
- Paso de Papallacta | Tussock grassland
- Páramo El Ángel with frailejones
- Páramo El Ángel with frailejones
- Páramo El Ángel with frailejones
- Páramo El Ángel with frailejones
- Páramo El Ángel | Inflorescence of frailejón
- Páramo El Ángel with puya
- Páramo El Ángel | Inflorescence of puya
- Valle del Río Chota
- Ibarra | Urban traffic
- Otavalo | Market
- Peguche | Pork
- Peguche | Festival
- Otavalo and Volcán Imbabura
- Laguna Cuicocha
- Mitad del Mundo | Tourist trap
- Mitad del Mundo | Tourist trap
- Guayllabamba | Tuff layer
- Volcán Cayambe
- Volcán Cayambe
- Quito and Volcán Cayambe
- Volcán Antisana
- Volcán Antisana
- Volcán Chimborazo
- Quito with foehn clouds
- Quito | Panorama
- Quito | Panorama with foehn clouds
- Quito with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito | Panorama with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito | Panorama with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito with Volcán Cotopaxi
- Quito | Historic centre and Panecillo
- Quito | Basilica del Voto Nacional
- Quito | Basilica del Voto Nacional
- Quito | Basilica del Voto Nacional during service
- Quito | Iglesia Carmen Alto
- Quito | Calle Vicente Rocafuerte
- Quito | Plaza de Santo Domingo
- Quito | Calle Gabriel García Moreno and El Panecillo
- Quito | Calle Gabriel Moreno
- Quito | Plaza de Independencia
- Quito | Historic centre
- Quito | Historic centre
- Quito | Monumento de la Libertad
- Quito | River undercutting
- Quito | Hazardous place
- Volcán Cotopaxi
- Volcán Cotopaxi
- Volcán Cotopaxi with glacier
- Volcán Cotopaxi with glacier
- Volcán Cotopaxi | Glacier terminus
- Volcán Cotopaxi | Glacier terminus
- Panamericana
- Baños | Road blocked by lahar flow
- Baños | Lahar hazard
- Baños | Lahar flow
- Baños | Lahar flow and landslide
- Baños | Puente San Francisco
- Baños | Painting
- Baños | Patio
- Baños | Cuy asado
- Baños | Cuy asado
- Valle del Río Pastaza
- Valle del Río Pastaza
- Ambato | Andean cultural landscape
- Ambato | Andean cultural landscape
- Ambato | Andean cultural landscape
- Ambato | Children
- Volcán Chimborazo
- Páramo de Chimborazo | Peaty soil
- Páramo de Chimborazo | Peaty soil
- Páramo de Chimborazo | Sheep herding
- Bolívar | Farm
- Bolívar | W slopes of Andes
- Bolívar | Farm
- Bolívar | Coffee cultivation
- Bolívar | Cultivated land
- Valle del Río Jubones | Forest
- Valle del Río Jubones | Drylands
- Los Ríos | Farmer and scientists
- Los Ríos | Rice cultivation
- Guayas | Sugar cane cultivation
- Trash deposit
- Babahoyo | Floating houses
- Babahoyo | Floating houses
- Babahoyo | Floating houses
- Babahoyo | Floating house
- Babahoyo | Residential area
- Babahoyo | Residential area
- Babahoyo | Pupils
- Babahoyo | Town centre
- Babahoyo | Town centre
- Durán | Town centre
- Durán | Cemetery
- Durán | Residential area
- Guayaquil | Urbanización Valle Alto
- Guayaquil | Torre Morisco
- Guayaquil | Palacio Municipal
- Guayaquil
- Farmstead
- Fruit collection
- Motorway Guayaquil - Salinas
- Salinas | Beach
- Jambelí | Mangroves
- Jambelí | Mangroves
- Jambelí | Red mangrove
- Jambelí | Beach
- Jambelí | Sunset