
The World in Images


Huaraz | Panoramic view with Cordillera Blanca


View from the slopes of the Cordillera Negra over Huaraz in E direction to the valleys of the Quilcay catchment draining through the city. In 1941, Huaraz was badly affected by a glacial lake outburst flood of Laguna Palcacocha in the Cojup Valley. The glacierized peaks in the background are from left to right: Hualcán (6165 m), Vallunaraju (5686 m), Ranrapalca (6162 m), Huantsán (6369 m), Rúrec (5700 m), and Shacsha (5703 m).

View on OpenStreetMap
on Sunday 23 July 2017 by Martin Mergili
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