
The World in Images


Prealpi Carniche with Tagliamento


Panoramic view from Monte Festa in NW direction up the valley of Tagliamento, one of the best-preserved braided rivers in Europe, to the town of Tolmezzo. The motorway A23, connecting the Adriatic coast to the S part of Austria, crosses the lower left portion of the scene. Mountains are Monte Piciat (1617 m) on the left side and Monte Amariana (1905 m) on the right side. The snow-covered Monte Coglians (2780 m), highest peak of the Carnian Alps, can be seen in the right background at the border to Austria.

View on OpenStreetMap
on Friday 12 April 2024 by Martin Mergili
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579 visits, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license